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Interactive posters

For this project our goal was to create an interactive poster that students could give their own feedback on by pinning the choice they agree with. My class and I created posters that resonated with a lot of the students who saw them. like mine, all of them were unique and grabbed attention very quickly.
 for most of the process, I used indesign to make these posters. However, in the beginning I had to take the time to think about  a design that would really get someones attention. Ultimately I thought about current trends, like memes for example, and things that resonated with younger people. with that idea in mind I designed these posters using bright colors and huge text. I only had the size of a standard piece of paper to work with  so I made sure that the colors I used could be seen from a long distance. For two of the designs I made I had to make, text was sort of an issue. So I made my words bolder and brighter, which you can see here. My main goal was to get as many responses I could and ultimately, after a week, I found that there were a lot more pins on my posters than anyone else's.
Interactive posters

Interactive posters
